Sabtu, 18 September 2010

Good Quotes

However many holy words you read, however many you speak, what good will they do you if you do not act on upon them?

Whatever words we utter should be chosen with care for people will hear them and be influenced by them for good or ill.

When one has the feeling of dislike for evil, when one feels tranquil, one finds pleasure in listening to good teachings; when one has these feelings and appreciates them, one is free of fear.

To keep the body in good health is a duty... otherwise we shall not be able to keep our mind strong and clear.

To enjoy good health, to bring true happiness to one's family, to bring peace to all, one must first discipline and control one's own mind. If a man can control his mind he can find the way to Enlightenment, and all wisdom and virtue will naturally come to him.

There has to be evil so that good can prove its purity above it.

Just as treasures are uncovered from the earth, so virtue appears from good deeds, and wisdom appears from a pure and peaceful mind. To walk safely through the maze of human life, one needs the light of wisdom and the guidance of virtue.

Virtue is persecuted more by the wicked than it is loved by the good.

The virtues, like the Muses, are always seen in groups. A good principle was never found solitary in any breast.

Husbands are chiefly good as lovers when they are betraying their wives.
Marilyn Monroe

A wise and frugal government, which shall leave men free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned - this is the sum of good government.
Thomas Jefferson

We shall never know all the good that a simple smile can do.
Mother Teresa

All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent.
Thomas Jefferson

If people are good only because they fear punishment, and hope for reward, then we are a sorry lot indeed.
Albert Einstein

He who can no longer pause to wonder and stand rapt in awe, is as good as dead; his eyes are closed.
Albert Einstein

An empty stomach is not a good political adviser.
Albert Einstein

I do not believe in the God of theology who rewards good and punishes evil.
Albert Einstein

The care of human life and happiness, and not their destruction, is the first and only object of good government.
Thomas Jefferson

It takes time to persuade men to do even what is for their own good.
Thomas Jefferson

Our greatest happiness does not depend on the condition of life in which chance has placed us, but is always the result of a good conscience, good health, occupation, and freedom in all just pursuits.
Thomas Jefferson

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